After you finish the three Mermaid goals in FarmVille's Lighthouse Cove, you'll be given the option to complete three more goals - these ones much more difficult, or at least time consuming, than the first trio. These Bonus Challenges will round out the story for Chapter 8, and as usual, we're here with a guide on how to complete them.
Bonus Challenge 1
- Harvest 160 Daylily
- Harvest 1 Pet Run
- Harvest Lighthouse Cove
The Lighthouse Cove and Pet Run come up for harvesting once every day, while the Daylilies take 16 hours to grow. Finishing this first goal isn't such a challenge, so if you can get it done, you'll receive 500 XP, a Train Depot, 2,500 coins and a straight piece of Mini Track. If this gives you any idea, these three goals are going to reward you with train-themed prizes, so you'll want to do your best to finish them all to not miss out on any items in the set.
Bonus Challenge 2
- Harvest 160 Darrow Blackberries
- Improve Cove to Stage 9
- Make New England Lager 4 Times
Darrow Blackberries take four hours to grow. Meanwhile, the New England Lagers can be crated in your Restaurant, with each batch requiring three Hops, three Daylily and three Pumpkin Bushels. You will need to have used your Restaurant quite a bit before this goal series to be able to access this recipe, so this particular goal might pose a challenge if you haven't used the feature much. Finishing this goal gives you 1,000 XP, a Mini Engine for your Train, a piece of both East and West track (corners), and 5,000 coins.
Bonus Challenge 3
- Harvest 1 Cow Pasture
- Harvest 160 Vegetables
- Make Cream Pie Twice
Cream Pies are also crafted in the Restaurant, with each one requiring three Darrow Blackberry, three Black Tree and two Green Tea bushels. While you're waiting the six hours for those to be created, you can plant whatever vegetable crop you'd like. We'd suggest planting one with the shortest harvest time possible, just to get that step out of the way. For finishing this final Bonus Challenge, you'll receive 500 XP, 2,500 coins, two pieces of straight Mini Tracks and a Mini Caboose.
As usual, you'll only have a limited time to complete these goals, before Chapter 9 (and beyond!) goals are released in the game. Using our guide, you should be able to plan ahead and stand a pretty good chance of finishing all of these goals in time. Good luck!
[Via FarmVilleFreak]
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